Today : 3/12/2025

Zar Industrial and Research Group with 30 years of success and effective presence of the founder in the manufacturing and industrial infrastructure, Mr.Soltani has established Zar Flour Company  in 1993. In 2001, for the first time in Iran Zar Flour Co, had launched semolina flour production lines. At the same time along with flour, pasta manufacturing unit started in 2005, that time Zar Macaron was successes to obtain its own market’s share so soon.

Zar Macaron Industrial Company established a new semolina flour’s pasta brand which called “Sun Macaron”  on September 2014 at the same time with the birth of Imam Reza. Sun brand with the slogan "a lovely family" has been launched in different flavors. This unique pasta in three simple tastes included, enrich pasta with B vitamins and Functional pasta.

These products are totally designed and produced by Zar specialists of industrial development and agricultural research, such they are able to present some international products.

Copyright 2012 Sun Macaron .
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